Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) is a degree that gives practical experience to students pursuing it through projects, industrial visits and interview with the industry experts. The best BBA colleges in Dehradunensure that their students are bale to secure a high paying job after graduating from college.
Following are the top 5 reasons for pursuing BBA:
- Market Requirements
These days the growth of the Indian market is exponential. The top BBA colleges in Dehradun have found that BBA graduates are being pursued by not only existing companies, but also start-ups that are coming up in the country. Most companies, be they young or old, prefer people with a sound knowledge of operations, thereby choosing BBA graduates who can easily become part of the core business. At Shri Ram Institute, we teach our students to handle operations and strategy management which makes it easy for them to get a job after passing out.
- Exposure and Experience
The very nature of the course ensures students working directly with the sales, marketing, strategy and operations department. Students of Shri Ram Institute get good exposure to market trends, strategy, decision making as a part of their daily studies. The combination of knowledge provided by Shri Ram Institute, one of the best BBA colleges in Dehradun, and the experience gives ample opportunities to the fresh recruits to enhance the market relevant skills.
- Scope of Growth
Students who have good knowledge and adequate experience often have a very good growth. A hardworking, diligent, and knowledgeable students would, without doubt, raise up pretty quickly. On an average, within a span of four to five years, most students can easily reach up to the level of a manager or a team leader. These are also the students who have a high chance of getting selected to senior level or mid level leadership responsibilities.
- Remuneration
The ROI or the return on investment of a BBA degree is good, but when it is pursued from an excellent college like Shri Ram Institute, the return is higher. This is because of a number of reasons the most important amongst them is the pedigree of the school. A good college often opens better doors for its students, providing them with better opportunities in life. Students who perform well in their academics and job can expect high remuneration in this field.
- Future Scope
An added advantage of pursuing a BBA degree from the best BBA colleges in Dehradunis the wide range of options that are available to students for further, chief among them being a masters degree in business administration. BBA lays down an excellent foundation for taking up MBA in the future.