The Bachelor of Commerce with Honours, or B. Com (Honours) as it is popularly known, is a degree program that provides an extensive overview of the field of commerce with a specific thrust on a core constituent subject. Available at Ram Institute, the programme usually involves intense study which culminates with a dissertation.
The B. Com (Honours) programme at Ram Institute is designed to inculcate knowledge with skill to develop a firsthand grasp of business studies. This degree aims to provide a strong conceptual foundation of core Commerce curricula. B. Com (Honours) at Ram Institute, the best college in Uttarakhand, unlike the ordinary graduate program in Commerce has a focus on an in-depth study. Therefore it is best suited to students who plan to conduct research oriented studies in the future or are inclined towards entrepreneurial goals. It is expected that the student has strong analytical ability, varied communication skills and creative thinking to negotiate the demands of this program.
Graduate Studies at Ram Institute functions on the tenets of interdisciplinary study. This allows a student to focus on particular discipline and simultaneously diversify the knowledge by inculcating other subjects into the core curriculum. The students can earn the desired number of credits to earn major and a minor degrees. The new approach gives learners the power to decide the content and pace of their study. The student is thus exposed to new and multiple ideas thus enriching the learning experience. This leads to development of transferable skills and professional acumen which is much needed in this highly competitive job market.